Rya  (my granddaughter) and I try to take cards to a couple of  local retirement homes each month. There the residents can select card(s) to send out or to give each other – as they want to. The facility provides postage. So as you can  assume, the cards are welcomed by both the residents and the facility. Even the recipients of the card feel appreciated.

This is something Rya and I love to do. It is important to me as a paper crafter to bring joy to others and  Rya loves to be kind. Of course this mission offers an opportunity for Rya and I to bond.

Rya and I have made some friends  along the way. We have become  fond of the activity directors at the facilities. This trip was a bit sad as we had to to say good-bye to Baily (one of the activities directors).

Baily has a new journey where she will share her gift of kindness. Good luck Baily.




Of course we also had the pleasure of meeting  Kathleen the new  activities director.

If you are a paper crafter  I hope to inspire you to share you hobby. Send  someone a paper hug.